Kathleen has Performed a Miracle

Ever since my son Dominic and I set about bringing the life story of Kathleen Kilbane into peoples lives, not only in Ireland but further afield, it has brought us great joy and many friends along the way. It is almost a full-time job answering letters and sending Kathleen-related items to her ever-increasing followers, all wanting to know about this saintly little girl and her sheltered, short life.

Many of the letters I get tell of graces received from this holy child. I knew it was only a matter of time before a miracle would come through Kathleen’s intercession and it just did. A four-page letter from a lady in England tells us about the long-awaited miracle through Kathleen. (she is a cousin of Kathleen’s who grew up on Achill and had met Kathleen during her short time on the island)

As the letter is so long I will touch only on the facts, the lady had not been feeling well for a year, she had got the Covid virus and a clot on the lung. If that was not enough, an MRI scan revealed cancer of the stomach, which had spread to her lymph glands. The hospital told her it was terminal and could do nothing but slow it down a little. All this time she prayed to Kathleen at her altar she had set up in her hallway, as she said, “for everyone to see.”

Then her daughter received a phone call from the cancer team at the hospital, they wanted to talk to her right away. As she left her house she turned and went back into her altar and kissed Kathleen’s picture and said to her, ‘please give me good news, Kathleen.’

(At this point I would like to say that only recently I was told how a sick child showed a remarkable improvement after kissing Kathleen’s picture, it happened in Donegal.)

At the hospital the lady and her daughter were asked to draw up their chairs to the computer screen to see the results of the second MRI scan. The cancer team said they had never seen anything like this before because there was no sign of any cancer. The lady told them it was Kathleen’s intercession that brought this about. The doctor said she also believed in miracles.

The lady and her family are coming home to Achill for a visit in August to give thanks at Kathleen’s grave.


Have Faith: A Miracle Attributed to Kathleen


Joe Mulvihill’s Story