Patricia tells of healings and a Pilgrimage to Kathleen’s grave

My name is Patricia McAuley and this is my story. I decided to walk in the footsteps of my patron saint for my 60th birthday. I set out for Ireland and visited Lough Derg, then on to Croagh Patrick for the last Sunday in July. I climbed the hill against the doctor’s advice because he told me I had arthritic changes in my right knee and would be better walking around the mountains instead of climbing them.

When I got down from the mountain I was limping and the next morning I was in agony. I visited Kathleen’s grave. It was my second visit as I had been there the previous year. I stepped up on the grave and, as it was so painful, I asked her to help me because I did not want to suffer for the whole holiday. I stepped down and expected the sharp pain but it was gone and has never returned. That was 7 years ago.

I went to Medjugorje with a group of friends sometime later and as I was walking along the street I looked up at the moon and saw Our Lady’s face. As I looked I saw a girl appear on Our Lady’s cheek and recognised Kathleen with her smile and blue ribbon. Others saw Our Lady but not Kathleen.

There were many more prayers answered, especially for some of my patients while I was in nursing, people coming out of comas and hardened hearts converted. Unfortunately, I cannot impinge on their privacy and disclose them.

I visit Kathleen’s grave every time I am in Ireland. In 2018 I helped organise a Pilgrimage from Scotland to the Knock Shrine in Co. Mayo. Afterwards, I took the opportunity to make a detour to Kathleen’s grave and introduce her to my fellow pilgrims. We arrived in Achill on the Sunday and after lunch, we went to Kathleen’s grave. We placed a vase of white roses/blue ribbon on the grave and Father Isadore, an African priest who came with us on the pilgrimage, started the Rosary. Then the well-known singer James Kilbane turned up and sang a hymn to Our lady. He did the second part of the rosary.

That night we were reflecting on our pilgrimage and one of the men spoke about the joy of coming on the journey. I noticed that he spoke without hesitation. I have been visiting him regularly with Holy Communion and since his stroke about 15 years ago he has only been able to get one or two words out. He could not think of the third word and spent ages searching his brain for it. Here he was speaking freely. The next morning he said to me “I have my speech back” and it has done wonders for his confidence.

There was great joy on the bus and everyone learned about Kathleen. I gave a talk about her and handed out some copies of her book.


How Kathleen Healed Tony Gruddy


The story of how Kathleen watched over the making of the Knock model village by Colin Patten